Do you want to return an item? Then use our return form. Through the return form we can quickly process your return shipment. Items that you want to return must be undamaged, packed in the original packaging and the seal must be intact. Some of our items cannot be returned, read more about our exceptions.
You can return quickly and easily as follows:
- Check whether your return shipment meets our return requirements
- Register your return shipment via the return form. or via our customer service (not required, but handy!)
- Use the return label, found with your packing slip, to return your item; or use the label we send you via email
- Place the item in the original packaging and package the item in a shipping box
- Our return address is stated on the delivery note
- Drop off your return shipment at a PostNL/UPS point in your area
- Save your PostNL/UPS shipping receipt well
- As soon as we have received your return shipment in good order, you will receive an e-mail from us
Make sure that you always state the order number when returning. If applicable, also state clearly whether an item is defective or whether you want a different size of lingerie, for example.
Return label
On the packing slip that you find in your package, there is a return label at the bottom. The return address is stated on this.
For international returns, we will send you an email with a return label after you registered your return with us using the return form.