Credit Card

It is possible to pay with your credit card on Pabo. You can pay with Visa and Mastercard. Would you like to pay by credit card? Then select credit card as the payment method during the ordering process. You can enter your credit card details through our secure payment environment. You can then pay directly with your credit card.

Credit card benefits

  • Your payment is always secure
  • Credit card purchases are insured
  • Easy and quick to use
Visa.svg   Mastercard.svg

How do you pay with your credit card?
Choose credit card as the payment method and then select Visa or Mastercard. Enter all information including your name, credit card number, expiration date and verification number. Then check if all data is correct. You can now complete your payment and place your order.

Safe and discreet
Orders that you pay for with your credit card are insured and payment is easy in the secure environment of our online shop. Due to discretion, payments are never mentioned as Pabo on your credit card statement. When placing your order, your personal data is guaranteed to be handled securely. Personal data is not provided to third parties and all information sent over the internet is automatically encrypted, making the information unreadable for third parties. As soon as your credit card payment has been checked, your order will be sent immediately.

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